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guinness book of world records中文是什么意思

用"guinness book of world records"造句"guinness book of world records"怎么读"guinness book of world records" in a sentence


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录大全
  • 金氏世界纪录


  • The guinness book of world records says he is the tallest dog in the world
  • Many of the records in the guinness book of world records come from the world of sports
  • Matthew mcknight hopes nobody manages to top his feat in the guinness book of world records
  • If she does it , ochs will be the guinness book of world records ' oldest college graduate
  • John moschitta , jr was in the 1996 guinness book of world records for speaking 586 words in a minute
  • According to the guinness book of world records , brandy , a chihuahua , is the smallest dog in the world
    根据《金氏世界纪录大全》 ,布兰蒂这只吉娃娃狗,是世界上最小的狗狗。
  • The guinness book of world records lists the strongest man as paul anderson . on june 12 , 1957 he lifted 6 , 270 pounds
  • Eleven - year - old summer holds the guinness book of world records title for the longest tail on a horse , at 12 feet
    11岁的“夏天”是吉尼斯世界纪录“最长马尾”的保持者,其尾巴长达12英尺(约合3 . 7米) 。
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